Transformative Living Radio

Ignite Your Purpose: The Power of Motivation and Inspiration

Andre Flax

What if you could unlock the secret to unlimited motivation and inspiration? Join us on Transformative Living Radio as Andre Flax, a distinguished life and leadership coach, dissects the powerful dynamics between these two forces and their pivotal roles in achieving both personal and professional success. Using the compelling example of an Olympic athlete, Andre Flax vividly illustrates how motivation fuels the rigorous discipline required for training, while inspiration provides the emotional depth that makes every sacrifice worthwhile. You'll gain a deep understanding of the critical differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and discover practical strategies to harness both. From finding your "why" to creating effective accountability systems, this episode offers a wealth of actionable insights. Ready to take the first step? Let’s dive in!

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Welcome to Transformative Living Radio, where we explore the power of intentional change for personal growth and fulfillment.

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I'm Andre Flax, your host and certified life and leadership coach. In our last episode, we discussed the concept of failing forward and how, when we learn to reframe failure as feedback, we open the door to experience greater success in our personal and professional lives. In today's episode, we're diving into a crucial topic for anyone looking to push their boundaries and chase their goals the power of motivation and inspiration, the fuel that propels us forward. Now, these two forces are the driving engines behind many of our achievements, yet they're often misunderstood. So today we'll break it all down what's the difference between motivation and inspiration, why they matter and, most importantly, how we can harness the power of motivation and inspiration to transform our personal and professional lives. So if you're ready, let's begin. Hello and welcome to another episode of Transformative Living Radio. I'm Andre Flax, your host and certified life and leadership coach. You know it's said that motivation and inspiration are the two driving forces that fuel the engines to personal and professional success. Yet these two terms are often misunderstood, so today we want to break down what they are, how they differ and how we can harness the power of both of them to transform our personal and professional lives. So let's start by clarifying what motivation and inspiration mean.

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Now. While the two terms are often used interchangeably, they serve very different roles in human behavior. Motivation is the internal or external forces that drives us to take action. That force or energy can come in the form of a work meeting or a deadline, or a personal goal or the fear of failure. Motivation is what pushes us towards something we want to achieve, or something that we want or desire. Now, on the other hand, inspiration comes from within. It's something that pulls us and stirs a sense of excitement or possibility inside of us. Now inspiration taps into something deeper, helping you to connect emotionally to your purpose or vision in life. Inspiration is less about how and more about the why.

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Let me give you an example. Picture an athlete training for the Olympics. Now, their motivation might be to win a gold medal, and that's what pushes them to wake up early, train and to stay disciplined. However, their inspiration might come from a personal story, like watching someone overcome an adversity and still compete in the Olympics for the gold medal, sparking a belief that they can do it too. Compete in the Olympics for the gold medal, sparking a belief that they can do it too. You see, it's motivation that gets you going, but it's inspiration that gives meaning to the effort.

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Now, there are two types of motivation. The first is intrinsic motivation, which is driven by personal satisfaction, curiosity and a desire to grow. For example, learning a new skill just because you love the process is intrinsic motivation. Now, extrinsic motivation is the second form, which comes from external sources, like rewards, praise, or the avoidance of pain or punishment. An example of extrinsic motivations would be completing a work project because a bonus is attached to it. Now, both types of motivation can be powerful. However, intrinsic motivation tends to have a long-lasting effect because it's fueled by one's passion and not external validation or material rewards.

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While motivation pushes you to take action, it's inspiration that can help you discover your true north and give you a sense of purpose. Inspiration, unlike motivation, is often sparked by something deeper, a vision of who you want to be or what you want to create. Inspiration can come from many different sources, such as a role model or mentor who shows you what's possible. It can come from different concepts and philosophies that might resonate with your core values, or it could come from the natural world, which could stir powerful feelings of creativity and hope. So how does motivation and inspiration work together? How does motivation and inspiration work together? Picture this no-transcript the TED Talk ignited a fire within you and a belief that you can achieve great things as well.

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Now, after leaving the TED Talk, you decide to start a business or take up a challenge that you've been putting off for some time, but what will push you to take the first step or the 10th step when things get tough? That's motivation. That's motivation. You see, inspiration gives you the reason, or the why, to start, but it's motivation that gives you the stamina to keep on going. Now, the two work best in tandem, creating a powerful combination that could lead to extraordinary results. So, then, what are some practical strategies that we can use in our own lives to help us to harness the power of motivation and inspiration?

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Strategy number one is to find your why. Now, whether you're building a business or improving your overall health, you must first understand why you are pursuing the goal. Having a strong personal reason fuels both inspiration and motivation. A great question to ask yourself to help you discover the why behind your pursuit is why is this important to me? Now, the second strategy for harnessing the power of motivation and inspiration is to visualize what you want Now. Visualization is a powerful tool that has been used by top performers in every field. Set aside some time each day to imagine what success looks like for you. How will you feel when you achieve your goal by doing so? This taps into your intrinsic motivation and helps keep you on track. Strategy number three is to surround yourself with things that inspire you, whether it's reading books, spending time in nature or engaging in creative activities. The goal of doing things that inspire you is to keep the spark alive within you. Strategy number four is to create a process of accountability and reward. Having accountability partners in different areas of your life, like a mentor, coach or trusted friend, will help keep you on track to achieving your goals. It's also important to create a reward system to reward yourself for small wins along the way. This external motivation can help you maintain momentum, especially during tough times.

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Both motivation and inspiration are essential tools for personal and professional transformation. Inspiration fuels your dreams and gives them meaning, while motivation keeps you moving towards them, even when the journey gets challenging. The key, then, is to recognize when you need them. There'll be times when you need to be inspired to reignite your purpose. Other times, you might need some motivation to help push you through the tough times and challenges. So, as we wrap up this episode, let me leave you with this thought Whenever you're on a journey to bring about positive transformation in your personal or professional life, know that you have the power to fuel your forward motion. Know that you have the power to fuel your forward motion. Use the tools of motivation and inspiration and watch them carry you towards the success and fulfillment you're striving towards. Well, that's our show for today. We hope that you found this episode both insightful and inspiring. Join us each week for practical tips, actionable insights and inspiring stories to help you transform your life. We hope you can join us.

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We'll see you soon To experience a free coaching session with Andre Flex. Click the link in the show notes to book your coaching session today, or contact him at andre at transformativelivingradiocom. If you enjoyed this episode, leave us a comment wherever you get your podcast and share it with friends.