Transformative Living Radio

Unlocking "The Gift" by Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D. Part I: Discovering Your Inner Potential

Discover the powerful principles of success with the guidance of Dr. Shad Helmstetter in his book "The Gift". In this episode, we explore the six foundational 'gifts' that can transform your life and bring you closer to your goals. Each gift will be analyzed in detail, and I will provide actionable strategies to help you incorporate these principles into your life. By doing so, you will be able to turn your aspirations into achievements.

Prepare to continue this journey of personal transformation as we pledge to explore the remaining six gifts in our upcoming episode. But for now, allow the strategies from today's session to fuel your motivation and spark your pursuit of excellence. As we wrap up this part of the series, take a bold step towards your complimentary coaching session with me, Andre Flax, and become part of our circle of success seekers. Together, we'll unlock the infinite possibilities that await you, ensuring each choice you make is another step towards the future you deserve.

To book your free discovery coaching session today, please click here.

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Welcome to Transformative Living Radio, where we explore the power of intentional change for personal growth and fulfillment.

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I'm your host, trainer, speaker and coach, andre Flaks. Have you ever received a gift that was so special that you had to tell everyone about it, a gift that felt like it was worth more than what the person paid for it? Well, these kinds of gifts are always cherished and remembered for a long time. In today's episode, we'll explore the pages of the book called the Gift by Dr Shad Helmstetter. This book provides profound insight into understanding and harnessing the power of your mind to achieve success and fulfillment. In this two-part series, we'll explore the fundamental principles outlined in the book and provide some practical strategies for implementing them into your daily life. So if you're ready, let's begin. Hello and welcome to another episode of Transformative Living Radio. I'm Andre Flaks, your host and certified life coach. For the next two episodes, we want to explore the fundamental principles from Dr Shad Helmstetter's book called the Gift. In this episode, we'll explore the first six gifts and in next week's episode we'll uncover the other six gifts. Our goal is to explore the fundamental principles outlined in the book and provide some practical strategies for implementing these principles into your daily life Now.

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In the book the Gift, dr Helmstetter asked a very profound question, and that question was, quote what stops your dreams from coming true? Now, we all have dreams, yet for many of us, our dreams, over time, become nothing more than vague memories or forgotten wishes. We find ourselves saying and believing that our dreams are one thing, but our life as we know it today is our present reality. We start to think that maybe other people are able to attain their dreams because they are more fortunate than we are. However, in all likelihood, we probably have had just as many opportunities in front of us as they did, and our natural, inborn potential was, and still is, just as great as those we might be admiring from afar. So how, then, are some people able to make their personal and professional dreams come true, while others struggle to keep their dreams alive and ultimately turn their dreams into reality? Well, according to Dr Helmstetter, the answer isn't luck or fate, your potential, your education, your background, your financial strength or even what you've done up until this point in your life. The answer is in the tools you use to reach your dreams. Dr Helmstetter states that there are 12 magical tools that those who reach their personal and professional dreams have learned to use to turn their dreams into reality. These are not the gifts of talent, skill or abilities. The tools that make dreams come true are universal principles that are given equally to each of us, and all we have to do is learn what they are, make them our own and apply them daily to our lives. These 12 magical tools are what Dr Helmstetter calls the 12 gifts, hence the name of the book called the gift.

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So let's dive into the first six gifts and the impact they can have on our personal and professional success. The gift of surrounding yourself with success is the first gift. You see, your environment plays a crucial role in shaping your mindset and influencing your success. Now, there's an old saying that says birds of a common feather flock together, and the Bible also states that bad company corrupts good morals. Therefore, it's important to surround yourself with positive, ambitious people who inspire you to dream bigger and strive for greatness. By cultivating a network of successful individuals, you'll be able to elevate your own aspirations and create a supportive community that propels you forward.

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The gift of choice is the second gift. It emphasizes the power and responsibility each person has in making decisions in their lives. It recognizes that we're not solely products of circumstances, but active participants in shaping our destinies through the choices we make. This gift also encourages self-awareness and mindfulness in decision-making processes, highlighting the importance of considering options, consequences and personal values before taking action. By embracing the gift of choice, you can assert your autonomy, cultivate resilience and steer your life in directions aligned with your aspiration and principles. It empowers you to break free from limiting beliefs or external pressures and allows you to embrace the freedom to create a fulfilling and purposeful life.

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The gift of helping other people grow is the third gift and it refers to the enormous impact we can have by investing in the growth and the development of others. It encompasses various activities such as mentoring, coaching, teaching and supporting individuals to reach their full potential. By sharing knowledge, providing guidance and offering encouragement, you not only contribute to the success of others, but also foster a culture of collaboration and empowerment. This gift also recognizes the interconnection of human experiences and the ripple effect of positive influence, whether in personal or professional settings. Helping others grow, cultivate stronger relationships, build stress and creates a sense of fulfillment for both the mentor and the mentee. It embodies the principles of paying it forward and leaves a lasting legacy of transformation and empowerment.

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The gift of believing in yourself is the fourth gift. This gift plays a vital role in personal growth and development. It involves developing self-confidence, self-esteem and self-efficacy, which are vital for overcoming life's challenges and pursuing your goals with resilience and determination. When you believe in yourself, you are more likely to take risk, overcome obstacles and persevere in the face of adversity. The gift of believing in yourself empowers you to trust your abilities, embrace your strengths and recognize your worth, which fosters a positive mindset and a sense of self-worth. It enables you to pursue your passions, explore your potential and pursue personal and professional fulfillment with courage and conviction. Ultimately, the gift of believing in yourself lays the foundation for personal empowerment, growth and success.

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The gift of exceptional attitude is the fifth gift. Now. This gift emphasizes the importance of having a positive mindset and outlook on life. Developing an exceptional attitude means adopting an optimistic perspective, having resilience in the face of challenge and taking a proactive approach to problem-solving. People with this gift exhibit traits such as gratitude, adaptability and a willingness to learn and grow from experiences. They view setbacks as opportunities for growth and they maintain a sense of enthusiasm and determination even through tough times. By embracing an exceptional attitude, you can improve your overall well-being, your relationships and success in various aspects of your life.

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The sixth gift is the gift of finding your focus. Now, in today's fast-paced world, distractions are everywhere, which make it difficult to stay focused on your goals. However, the gift of finding your focus will help you prioritize what's important and channel your energies towards achieving meaningful objectives. By cultivating this skill, you can overcome procrastination, stay committed to your endeavors and you can achieve your goals and navigate challenges with resilience and determination. Ultimately, finding your focus will enable you to unlock your full potential and make significant strides towards your aspirations.

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Now, as we wrap up part one of our exploration of the gift by Dr Shad Helmstetter, I encourage you to revisit each of the gifts covered in today's episode and commit to incorporating them into your daily life. In the next episode, we'll uncover the remaining six gifts and dive deeper into how they can revolutionize your personal and professional journey. Well, that's our show for today. We hope that you found this episode both insightful and inspiring. Join us each week for practical tips, actionable insights and inspiring stories to help transform your life. Until next week, remember, surround yourself with success, make empowering choices and always believe in the power of your dreams. We hope you can join us.

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We'll see you soon For a complimentary coaching session with Andre Flex. Email him at Andre at transformativelivingradiocom or click the link in the show notes to schedule your session directly. If you enjoyed this episode, leave us a comment wherever you get your podcast and share it with friends.