Transformative Living Radio

The Power of Positive Self-Talk And It's Impact On Your Transformative Journey

Are you ready to take control of your mind through the power of self-talk? Join us as trainer, speaker, and coach,  Andre Flax, navigates us through the fascinating terrain of our subconscious. Andre highlights how our mental programming, often shaped by our early experiences and external influences, is a key player in the narrative we spin for ourselves daily. It's time to awaken to the reality of how persistent negative self-talk, seeded by years of hearing words like 'no' and 'can't', can impair our growth. But more importantly, Andre shares actionable steps to flip the script, harnessing the power of positive self-talk to rewire our brains.

Let’s venture deeper into the realms of self-talk and visualization, two potent tools Andre emphasizes for challenging our limiting beliefs. He shows us how to intentionally use affirmations and visualizations to shape our beliefs, in turn influencing our actions, and ultimately, our reality. Andre’s insights are not just thought-provoking but offer practical ways to incorporate these techniques into our daily routines. Whether you're on a journey of personal transformation or simply intrigued by the workings of the mind, Andre offers a fresh perspective on the mind's capacity for change. Brace for an enlightening conversation that will inspire you to take charge of your self-talk and reshape your reality.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Transformative Living Radio, where we explore the power of intentional change for personal growth and fulfillment. I'm your host, trainer, speaker and coach, andre Flaks. We all engage in self-talk, whether we're aware of it or not, and most of what we say to ourselves about ourselves or the situations we experience in life is directly linked to the mental programs that run quietly in the background of our subconscious mind. Unfortunately, 77% of our mental programs are either the wrong programs, not true, harmful or work against us. Believe it or not, during the first 18 years of our lives, we are told no, can't, will not, won't do more than 148,000 times. Imagine the impact that this amount of negative program has on your subconscious mind. Our thoughts have an incredible impact on our emotions, behaviors and, ultimately, our lives. By learning how to harness the power of self-talk, we can intentionally rewire or reprogram our brain for positive change. In today's episode, we'll explore the power of positive self-talk and provide some practical strategies to help you rewire your brain for positive change. So if you're ready, let's begin. We all talk to ourselves, whether consciously or unconsciously, and most of what we say to ourselves is directly linked to the mental programs that run quietly in the background of our subconscious mind. So what exactly is self-talk and what impact does it have on our mental programs? While self-talk is the internal dialogue that happens in our mind, it's the ongoing conversations that we have with ourselves. Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly narrating our experiences, interpreting situations and even giving ourselves instructions. Now, most of what we say to ourselves about ourselves has a lot to do with the mental programs that have been stored in our subconscious mind since the day we were born. These programs came from our family, our friends, community, school, churches and society, and even ourselves, believe it or not. Over 70% of the mental programs we receive were either the wrong programs, not true, harmful or worked against us, and most of us don't even realize that these programs are there. Behavior researchers estimate that you and I were told no or what we could not do more than 148,000 times during the first 18 years of our lives, and that is only if we grew up in a relatively positive home. Our subconscious mind is like a supercomputer in that it is designed to accept whatever we put into it, whether what we put into it is true or not. Our subconscious mind, like a computer filing system, will take in all of the information, no matter if it's true or false, wrong or right, good or bad, positive or negative. Whatever we feed our subconscious mind gets stored permanently and what is repeated most is automatically received as truth. These are your mental programs, and they will have a major impact on what you believe about yourself. Now. The results of the mental programs we received as children and most of them negative created the self-talk we have today. As we got older, we began to duplicate and repeat the same programs that we got from the world around us. Over time, we became our number one programmer. So here's the thing to keep in mind Our mental programs, the messages you receive and the self-talk you repeatedly engage in will determine your success or failure in life. So how do we begin to rewire our subconscious mind for success? What are some practical strategies to help us do that? The good news is is you can rewire your subconscious mind and create the right type of mental programs that will help you become the person you want to be and achieve the goals you want to accomplish. This is made possible through the process of neuroplasticity. Now it sounds like a complicated word, neuroplasticity. However, neuroplasticity is how the brain changes. Long ago, it was believed that our brain did not change and after a certain point the brain began to deteriorate. However, neuroscience has discovered that our brain is always changing and never stops growing. This is great news because it proves that we can effectively change the negative programs and replace them with positive ones. So how do we begin to replace negative programs and reprogram our subconscious mind with more positive programs that help us succeed? Well, it starts with understanding that your brain becomes wired with the programs you get most. The more times your brain hears or receives a message, it creates what is known as neuro pathways in the brain so that the message is wired into your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind will then store that message like a computer software program. It will use that messaging to produce specific outcomes later on. Now, in addition to our brains receiving messages from the outside world, our brain also receives repeated messaging from the self-talk that we have within ourselves. What we say to ourselves about ourselves repeatedly gets wired into our subconscious mind and becomes the program by which our subconscious mind operates to produce the external outcomes we experience. Unfortunately, most of what we say to ourselves is negative by nature and in most cases we are not even consciously aware that the things we are saying to ourselves is actually working against us. Things like nothing ever goes right for me. Some people have all the luck. Everything I eat goes right to my waist. I'm just no good at that. I get sick the same time every year. Why me? I seem to always put my foot in my mouth. I've tried to lose weight, but nothing seems to work for me. Nobody likes me, I never have enough time. Sometimes I just hate myself. I can't afford things, and on and on and on. These self-directed statements, if repeated, get stored in our subconscious mind, which then gets lived out in the outcomes we experience in our lives. The result is the sum total of our self-talk, which is repeated, consciously or unconsciously, becomes the programming that influences and controls everything about us. So if you want to transform your life, it starts with changing your mental programs and rewiring your brain through changing your self-talk. So let's explore some actionable strategies for leveraging our self-talk as a tool for mental transformation. The first step to leveraging our self-talk is to become self-aware of the inner dialogue that you're having with yourself. Take note of the words and the tone you use when speaking to yourself. Are they supportive and encouraging, or do they tend to lean more towards self-doubt and criticism. The next strategy for leveraging your self-talk would be to practice self-compassion. Treat yourself with the same kindness, understanding and forgiveness you would extend to a friend or a loved one. Replace self-criticism with affirming statements that acknowledge your effort and your strength. Strategy number three is to learn to reframe your negative thoughts. When faced with a challenging situation, consciously change or challenge the negative or pessimistic or defeatist interpretations. For example, instead of thinking I can't do this, shift your perspective to this is a learning opportunity and I'll do my best. Self-realization is the fourth strategy for leveraging our self-talk as a tool for mental transformation. Use vivid mental imagery to see yourself succeeding, achieving your goals and overcoming your obstacles. This will reinforce positive beliefs and help you program your brain for success. Cultivating a growth mindset is paramount to all the other strategies mentioned to help you leverage the power of positive self-talk. A growth mindset is all about the attitude with which a person faces challenges, how they process failure and setback and how they adapt and evolve as a result. When we embrace our challenges as opportunities for growth and view our failures and setbacks as stepping stones to success, your self-talk naturally reflects this positive outlook. Now rewiring your brain for success through positive self-talk is an ongoing process Before you must be consistent. It will require practice and patience. So, as we wrap up today's episode, I want to encourage you to begin to integrate these techniques into your daily life. Be intentional with your self-talk, challenge your limiting beliefs and use affirmations and visualizations to propel you towards the success you want. Remember, the power of your self-talk lies in its ability to shape your beliefs, your actions and, ultimately, your reality. Well, that's our show for today. We hope that you found this episode both insightful and inspiring. Join us next week as we explore the art of setting and achieving your goals. We hope you can join us. We'll see you soon.

Speaker 2:

For a complimentary coaching session with Andre Flax. Contact him at Andre at TransformativeLivingRadiocom. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a comment wherever you get your podcast and share with a friend.