Transformative Living Radio

The Art of Setting and Achieving Your Goals

Ever wondered why you struggle to stick to your New Year's resolutions or any personal goal for that matter? You're not alone! A staggering 83% of the populace don't set goals, and out of the minority that do, a whopping 92% fail to achieve them. This episode with Andre Flax  is a deep dive into the art and science of setting and achieving goals. Here you'll be presented with a proven framework, the Active Goal Setting Method by Dr. Shad Helmstetter, for mapping out your goals and more importantly, sticking to them.

Prepare to be enlightened as Andre Flax shares Dr. Helmstetter's 10 cardinal rules for successful goal setting. Discover the underestimated power of small goals, the weighty significance of the word 'to', and the breakthrough concept of action steps. Learn to transform your wishes into reality by understanding that setting goals is not just a process, but a transformative tool to turn dreams into tangible achievement. So put on your headphones and get ready to conquer your aspirations as we navigate the exciting world of effective goal setting. So, If your ready, let's begin. 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Transformative Living Radio, where we explore the power of intentional change for personal growth and fulfillment. I'm your host, trainer, speaker and coach, andre Flags. We've known for a long time the importance of setting goals, yet, according to researchers, surveys of the general population reveal that 83% of respondents don't have goals at all, 14% have plans, but those plans aren't written out, and only 3% have written goals. Our goals serve as a compass that directs our actions and aspirations and provides us a clear path towards our desired outcomes. Andrew Carnegie, american industrialist and philanthropist, once said If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energies and inspires your hopes. In today's episode, we'll explore the art of setting and achieving goals and provide a goal setting framework that will help you achieve the goals you set. So if you're ready, let's begin. We've known for a long time the importance of setting goals, yet surveys of the general population reveal that 83% of respondents don't have any goals at all, 14% of the respondents had plans, but those plans weren't written out, and only 3% of the people surveyed actually had written goals. Now, according to research done by the University of Scranton, 92% of the people who set goals every year don't actually accomplish the goals they set. Recent research also reveals that when people set goals, they tend to focus on the rewards or the payoffs that achieving the goal would bring, and when confronted with challenges, it's those same anticipated rewards or payoffs that play a crucial role in either motivating us or discouraging us on our journey towards the goal. Whenever we set goals, they often require us to engage in actions and behaviors that may be new to us or require significant effort. Our brain is constantly weighing the cost benefit of our choices. When we feel the effort outweighs the reward or the payoff, we become tempted to give up the goal, or we modify the goal and settle for less than what we anticipated when we originally set the goal. So setting and achieving goals is more about the process or the journey towards achieving the goal versus the results. Rather than focusing on the exciting but potentially daunting prospect of reaching the goal, we can focus on the daily action steps needed to move us closer to the goal and, ultimately, achieving the goal. Now, the method that I use to help my clients set and achieve their goals is called the Active Goal Setting Method. This method was introduced by Dr Shad Helmstetter. Dr Shad Helmstetter is the founder of the Life Coach Institute and author of several books, such as what you Say when you Talk to Yourself, negative Self-Talk and how to Change it and the Power of Neuroplasticity, among others. The Active Goal Setting Method focuses on helping you set and track your goals actively, with an action plan and a clear schedule. Dr Helmstetter states that with the Active Goal Setting Method, there are 10 rules that must be followed in order to increase your probability for achieving the goals you set. Rule number one goal setting is a skill and because it is a skill, it can be learned. Becoming a part of the 8% of the goal setters who achieve their goals is not reserved for a selective few. Anyone can learn how to do it. Setting goals is the easiest skill to learn and one of the most important skills to have. Rule number two small goals are more important than the big goals. The most successful goal setters write clear goals with action steps that tell them exactly what they need to do this month, this week and tomorrow. They are aware of the end goal that they want to reach. They don't lose sight of it. However, when it comes to what to do and how to do it, they focus on the now. By doing so, they can experience success by achieving the small goals which, over time, will lead them to reaching the larger goals. Rule number three all goals that are real goals must be written down. If a goal is not written down, it's not a real goal. We all have good ideas, wishes and wants. However, in order to transform those ideas, wishes and wants into reality, they must be translated into goals. Rule number four when writing out your goals, they should begin with the word too. The best way to ensure that you get a clear understanding of what you want to accomplish when writing your goals, it is best to begin your stated goals with the word too. For example, suppose you want to start a vacation savings plan so that you can take a Caribbean cruise. You would write the goal by stating it this way To start saving $100 each paycheck for the next 24 months. By using this format, your goals become very clearly defined and simple. Rule number five all goals must be timed. Goals have to be dated with a specific date of accomplishment. Now, some people are reluctant to date their goals with a specific date of accomplishment, out of fear that they won't achieve the goal. However, it's always best to date any set goal you have, even if you're not 100% sure you can reach it. Set the date that you intend on reaching the goal. By doing so, you'll be surprised how many of your timed or dated goals you'll actually achieve. Rule number six goals should be written to be changed if necessary. With any goal, what's important is not the completion date, but whether you achieve the goal. One of the most constant things in life is change. Therefore, when it comes to goals and goal setting, you need to be willing and ready to change your goals or change the end date when life demands. By doing so doesn't mean you're not taking your goals seriously. It simply means that you set a date and you do your absolute best to meet the date, and if you don't hit it, you don't give up. You adjust your expectations for reaching the goal based on your current circumstances. Giving yourself the flexibility and not making your goal so rigid increases the likelihood that you will reach the goal in its proper time. Rule number seven when setting goals, each of your goals should include obstacles and action steps. One of the reasons why 92% of the people who set goals fail to achieve them is because they skip this most important rule when planning your goals. Each of your goals should contain three parts the written goal, the perceived obstacles that may get in your way from reaching the goal and the action steps you'll take to help you overcome the obstacles so that you can ensure the success of reaching the goal. Rule number eight the action steps are more important than the goal itself. When we set goals, knowing what needs to be done every day, week, month or year in order to achieve the goal is vitally important in the goal setting process. The action steps we take will serve to help us overcome the perceived obstacles that may keep us from reaching or attaining the goal, as well as provide small wins each time we complete the action steps we've identified. Rule number nine all goals are steps to something else. Every goal set and accomplished is a step to something else. By keeping this perspective, you'll be able to overcome the challenges that comes with setting and achieving the goals you want. Rule number ten all goals should be tracked and on a schedule. Many people will write down their goals, but a majority of those who do will either quit the goal or not complete the goal due to other distractions and obstacles. By writing and tracking your goals, it allows you to keep track of the goal or the goals and helps you to know how well you're doing in your progress to reach that goal. Tracking your goals can be as simple as reviewing your goals every morning and evening before you go to bed. By practicing this review method, you keep your goals in focus and it reminds you of the action steps you've committed to taking each day to ensure that you stay on track. The important thing is to review your goals on a regular basis. These 10 rules provide a blueprint for setting and reaching your goals. However, it's very important to keep in mind that, in order to be successful at setting and reaching goals, it will require for you to embrace a growth mindset. View challenges and setbacks as opportunities for learning and developing. Shift your perspective from I can't to I can, with effort and persistence. Remember, setbacks are not failures, but rather stepping stones towards your success. As we wrap up today's episode, I want to remind you that goal setting is not just a process. It's a powerful tool for personal transformation. When done correctly, it empowers us to turn our dreams into reality, step by step. Well, that's our show for today. We hope that you found this episode both insightful and inspiring. Join us next week as we explore the power of consciousness. We hope you can join us. We'll see you soon.

Speaker 2:

For a complimentary coaching session with Andre Flex. Email him at Andre at transformativelivingradiocom. If you enjoyed this episode, leave us a comment wherever you get your podcast and share with a friend.